Your contract is with LET’S GO AFGHANISTAN Company, Licence ATO-BLK-0017

  1. Booking Policy

1.1 To make a booking the client must complete the Booking Form.

1.2 A deposit of 10% of the total cost of the tour must be paid into the bank account nominated on the Booking Form.

1.3 The completed and signed Booking Form, must then be emailed to with the receipt of the deposit paid.

1.4 A Confirmation Form will be emailed to you to confirm that the booking is done. Please check this document as soon as you receive it. Contact us immediately if any information is incorrect.

1.5 A Letter of Invitation and a copy of our Licence will then be emailed to you so you can apply for your Afghanistan Tourist visa.

1.6 A copy of your visa must be emailed to as it is required for administration purposes.

1.7 The remaining 90% balance of the total cost of the tour must be paid in cash in new, blue 100-dollar US bills or 100 Euro banknotes at the pre-tour meeting held on the first day of your tour.

  1. Cancellation Policy

2.1 If Let’s Go Afghanistan cancels the tour before the commencement date of the tour due to unforeseen circumstances or because of civil or political unrest, then a full refund of the deposit will be given, but if the tour has to be canceled during the trip, a refund will be given for the remainder of the tour.

2.2 If the client cancels the tour more than two weeks before the commencement date of the tour then a 50% refund of the deposit will be given.

2.3 If the client cancels the tour within the two-week period before the tour commences then no refund of the deposit will be given.

2.4 If the client of their own volition departs the tour once they are in Afghanistan then no refund will be given.

The client must acknowledge that Let’s Go Afghanistan will have used the payment for running costs, administration, accommodation, drivers, guides, and transport expenses.

2.5 All cancellations must be in writing and written by the person whose name is on the Booking Form.

  1. Local Laws

3.1 The client is required to follow local laws and regulations. Our tour leaders will guide you on how to be sensitive to local customs, traditions, and practices. Let’s Go Afghanistan reserves the right to expel, without refund, those clients who refuse to abide by our company policies and Taliban rules and who show any disrespect to the Afghan culture and religion, thereby putting themselves and others in danger.

  1. Travel Insurance

4.1 Let’s Go Afghanistan highly recommends that all clients take out travel insurance. Our company is not liable for any claims relating to loss or theft of personal items, accidents, personal injury, sickness, medical expenses or property damage occurring while the client is on tour with Let’s Go Afghanistan

  1. Force Majeure

5.1 Force Majeure means any unusual or unforeseeable event or circumstance beyond the control of the company, Let’s Go Afghanistan, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised. Such events may include, but are not limited to, riots, civil unrest, epidemics, and natural disasters. Let’s Go Afghanistan cannot accept liability for any loss, damage, or expense as a result of force majeure.

  1. Privacy Policy

6.1 Any personal information requested by Let’s Go Afghanistan will not be shared with any third party.

Let’s Go Afghanistan Team