Take the hands of a fallen person if you are standing


Our country has been at war for more than 40 years and many families have lost their breadwinners and many children have been left with disabilities. They are all living incredibly hard lives and have no work opportunities and no chance to be educated. We belong to this society and we understand their situation better than anyone. Therefore, we consider it our responsibility that when we can hold someone’s hand who really needs help, we shouldn’t turn away and leave them alone to spend nights in ruins and go to bed hungry and cold. We aim to bring positive change to the lives of these vulnerable children and their families.  

Our long-term plan is to help them to get an education, find work and become business owners, not to just feed and clothe them. To make our dream a reality we plan to donate a percentage of our wages and profits from our business, Let’s Go Afghanistan, to our charitable activities and as our business grows our long-term plan will become a reality.

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