Updated on: January 2024

  • Keep in touch with us. If you change your contact details, be sure to inform us, so we can contact you in case of an emergency or any change to your itinerary. You will receive our reconfirmation letter before you travel.
  • While you are in Afghanistan, please make sure you carry your passport, visa, permission letter, and other travel documents with you at all times.
  • Cooperate with your tour guide and emergency services if you are involved in a serious incident.
  • Stay away from military sites, security installations, and some public buildings as advised by your guide.
  • Consider emailing copies of key documents to yourself so that they can be accessed from any computer.
  • Make sure you have the local time.
  • Drink only bottled water.
  • Please never cross in front of the person praying as it ruins the prayer. The sides and behind the person praying are OK.
  • You will see beggars in the cities. Please do not offer anything to them otherwise you will see lots of them trying to mob you. If you want to help the local people, please consult your guide to find the best way.
  • Keep a close eye on your personal belongings in public places such as crowded streets, bazaars, and around street children and beggars.
  • Avoid walking alone and traveling at night, particularly between towns and cities.
  • Avoid demonstrations and protests and don’t do any interviews with people, Media, or on YouTube channels about politics.
  • Maybe at some checkpoints or in other places, people will talk to you about Islam. This is normal and it is a simple short talk. It is best to listen with patience and respect.
  • The tourism industry in Afghanistan is new, therefore traveling to Afghanistan can be a bit challenging at times.  As a matter of fact, its differences are its attractions. Enjoy it.
  • Get comprehensive travel insurance from companies such as Global Rescue or Global Underwriters Travel Insurance or Campbell Irvine Direct.